Rooftop Grease Containment Systems
Why is important a Rooftop Grease Containment System for your facility?
Rooftop grease control is vital for your commercial kitchen. No matter what food you serve up or what fuel you cook with, you need to consider a quality rooftop grease containment system. Why is it so important, you might ask? The reasons are many:
- Prevent roof grease damage
- Reduce fire risk
- Protect the environment
- Prevent fat, oil, and grease from mixing with stormwater runoff
How do you know which grease containment system is right for you? Consider the differences between the Driploc Rack and Grease Gutter. Then, decide for yourself.
Driploc Rack Rooftop Grease Containment System
Sizes: The Driploc Rack comes in three sizes:
- Low-volume for fans that put out very little grease
- 4-inch for mid-volume cooking applications
- 7-inch for exhaust fans that produce a high volume of grease output
How it works: Grease drips out from the rooftop exhaust fan and down a spout that leads to the rack. Two special filters or “pillows” within the rack encapsulate grease while letting rain and dirty water from vent hood cleaners flow through. In short, the rack catches grease and prevents it from ever hitting the roof.
- Installation and maintenance: Installation is easy, taking no more than 10 minutes to complete. All you need is a power drill and the parts that come with the rack. Maintenance takes place every few months during regularly scheduled hood cleanings. It involves checking the pillows for saturation and replacing them as needed to prevent roof grease damage.
Grease Gutter
Sizes: The Omni Grease Gutter comes in three sizes:
- High capacity for high grease discharge applications
- Sidekick for special applications where the high capacity option won’t fit
Industrial for use with round exhaust stacks most commonly found in industrial and manufacturing plants.
- How it works: The Grease Gutter is designed to accommodate high grease volumes produced by heavily used fryers and broilers. The compact 8-inch trough is filled with a long, snake-like grease absorbing pad called a grease boom. It’s designed to help grease migrate around the entire surface so liquid doesn’t pool under the discharge spout. At the same time, water drains through the boom and out drainage holes in the gutter without dragging grease along with it.
- Installation and maintenance: Installation is straightforward. In addition to the pieces that come with the Grease Gutter, it requires a saw suitable for cutting PVC, sealant, and a power drill. Maintenance is even easier since the super absorbing capacity of the boom reduces the frequency of filter changes.
Are all commercial cooking operations required to have a grease containment system?
Per NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) standards and codes, commercial cooking operations need to have a container to collect the grease that drains from the upblast fan. Here is an excerpt from NFPA 96 related to grease containment:
NFPA 96 Fire Codes for Rooftop Grease Containment
7.8.2 Rooftop Terminations Rooftop termination shall be arranged with or provided with the following:
(4) The ability to drain grease out of any traps or low points formed in the fan or duct near the termination of the system into a collection container that is noncombustible, closed, rainproof, and structurally sound for the service to which it is applied and that will not sustain combustion
(5) A grease collection device that is applied to exhaust systems that do not inhibit the performance of any fan
[6] Listed grease collection systems that meet the requirements of and
8.1 Exhaust Fans for Commercial Cooking Equipment Upblast fans shall have a drain directed to a readily accessible and visible grease receptacle not to exceed 3.8 L (1 gal).

Common Questions?
How often do grease containment absorbents need to be changed?
Most often, foodservice operators will have the absorbents in their grease containment system changed during their regular hood cleaning service. This is monthly, quarterly or semi-annually depending on the type and volume of cooking operation.
Are grease containment systems weatherproof?
Yes. Each grease containment system we carry is designed to be weatherproof and not leak captured grease even when soaked with rain or snow.